Venise Carnival
Discovery of the Carnival of Venice
From the 10th century, the people made the most of the last days before Lent by entertaining themselves and enjoying the pleasures and joys of life.
The reasons for the success and success of the Carnival of Venice since the renaissance (and perhaps even before) were both political and economic.
No one forced anyone and no one prevented anyone.
One rule: have a good time, laugh, dance and have fun together.
The people, who loved parties and public entertainment, found in the carnival fun and pleasure, but above all they found a freedom of expression that existed nowhere else.
One could criticize and mock who one wanted as one wanted: during the carnival, the aristocratic Republic became democracy in the form of laughter and joy.
The rules of precedence faded, only the carnival party gathered everyone under its banner.
The art of caricature and derision showed the truth that made everyone laugh, including those who were concerned and who did the same on their side by unleashing the same way with the character of their choice!
To disguise themselves, the masks and characters of the Italian comedy offered their treasures of characters, silhouettes and grotesque accessories: the famous Harlequin and Pants, Polichinelle, Brighella, Colombine,
Scaramouche and so many others met, apostrophed and made their comedy in the square, others interfered, laughed and applauded, and Pierrot fell from the moon.
The release of the carnival was considered a factor of social peace.